Super Mario 3D Land surpasses Super Mario Galaxy in first-year sales
The results are in, and it appears Super Mario 3D Land has outsold Super Mario Galaxy in its first 13 months on the market.
According to sales figures provided by Nintendo’s latest earnings report, the 3DS title has sold 8 million copies worldwide since its original release in November 2011.
In comparison, Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii sold just 7.66 million copies in its first year back in November 2007.
The success of 3D Land is due to the fact it has outsold Galaxy by nearly double the amount in Japan.
While Super Mario Galaxy performed slightly better than 3D Land did in the West, Japanese Nintendo gamers were more taken with Mario’s first 3DS outing.
As of March 2012, 10.68 million copies of Super Mario Galaxy have been sold worldwide. In five years time it will be interesting to see how Super Mario 3D Land is holding up along with the more recent New Super Mario Bros. 2.
well so Galaxy has done better in the west and Super Mario 3D has done better in Japan?
Well what about the total figure for both countries? Which has sold more
The West has well and truly sold more copies of Galaxy + 3D Land than Japan has.
The fact Japan showed more interest in 3D Land though meant the overall worldwide sales of 3D Land were able to surpass the first year Galaxy sales.
Well isnt that not really giving us a accurate number since of course the sells are going to surpass since its a new game. But what about its staying power! Isnt that more important?
I think it’s managed to sell more on the 3DS simply because Japan is a much more handheld centric country compared to the West where consoles are a bit more successful.
Excatly doesnt mean its good. I cant wait for another Isle Defino or galaxy world 1 or even nintendo 64 going into the castle
Quite true PG.