
Spelunker Party! coming to the eShop in October

A Spelunking we will go.


The support from Square Enix for the Switch keeps on coming with the western announcement of Spelunker Party!

Called Minna de Waiwai! Spelunker in Japan the game was released there back in April. The eShop listing for us is already up on the eShop and set for a release date of October 19th in Europe and the 20th in Australia.

Spelunker Party allows up to 4 players to play either in co-op, locally or online to spelunk your way through caves filled with enemies. There are over 100 stages in the game.

There’s a demo on the Japanese eShop if you’re keen to check it out early.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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