Sega has revealed the third game in its ‘3D Classics’ series of games, they’re like 3D Classics but better. The first two were Space Harrier and Hang On, the newest one is Sonic the Hedgehog. But you already read the title so you knew that.
The game has a few new fancy features as well, you can make the 3D effect in the game either give depth or pop out, there’s two viewing modes as well. One that replicates a CRT screen and just normal.
Outside of the visuals you can toggle the spin dash on and off, stage select, customise the controls however you like and the game can be saved anywhere.
The game is out next week in Japan for a mere 600 yen ($6). However don’t get too excited, Sega has yet to release any of its 3DS Virtual Console or 3D titles in Australia yet – but they have classified them.
Screenshots via @Nintendaan
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