In case you were not aware, there is a new Sonic movie out in cinemas, and with any new movie, comes a lot of merchandise. One outlet in particular seems to enjoy getting in on the action and that is Build-a-Bear Workshop, they announced today that you would be able to build your own Sonic, complete with red shoes.
Sonic on his own is available to get here, for the low price of $40, if you want to get his red shoes though, that is extra, another $15 to be exact and you can order those here.
If you already have a regular Build-a-Bear… bear, then you just buy them a Sonic themed shirt for $10, so you do have some options. The only catch with Sonic, like the Pokemon Build-a-Bear editions, is that they are only available for a limited time only, so when they are gone, they are gone.
FREEDOM WARS Remastered, Once Again and Super Onion Boy+
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