Also featured are Hooters and Famitsu magazines. Class.
Also featured are Hooters and Famitsu magazines. Class.
Some of Kojima’s 3DS Snake Eater remake’s features are fairly logical, even predictable. The port adds the ability for Snake to crouch-walk around, bringing the gameplay closer in line with Metal Gear Solid 4 and Peace Walker’s control scheme. But others, such as the recent reveal of Yoshi in the game, are much less so. In Snake Eater 3D, Yoshi replaces the infamous Kerotan, or as veteran players will know them, bloody stupid frogs. For you see, Snake Eater had 60 or so little bright green plastic frogs scattered around the game, which you could shoot. Once you shot them, they’d wobble back and forth, going WAKKA-WAKKA-WAKKA-WAKKA in a way some people found pleasing and others interminably annoying.
If you managed to shoot all of them, however, you unlocked Stealth Camouflage which turned you totally invisible. As you might imagine, this made sneaking around a lot easier. However, you’ll now be shooting little Yoshis, which are apparently a nice bit easier to see than the devilish old frogs. They also go BA BAAAW instead of WAKKA WAKKA.
The games old magazines, which you drop to distract enemies, have been replaced by a Hooter’s lady collection and various Japanese gaming publications. Because there’s nothing 1960’s Russian special forces enjoy reading more than all Japanese gaming magazines.
Seriously how weird of a portal into the future would a foreign language gaming magazine be?! But those too will be in there, probably at a lovely higher resolution than most of the game, because that’s how Kojima rolls.
Seriously though, I wonder what a meeting between Kojima and a Hooter’s marketing team is like. That must just be the most bizarre thing. And he must pick out the images himself. It just seems like the weird kinda thing that crazy guy would do.
Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D is out on Thursday if you’re interested. Vooks himself is hard at work on the review, so expect that before too long.
Source: Andriasang
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