Slightly Mad Studios: Project Cars on Wii U was ‘always a maybe’

Oh well maybe next time then.


Earlier this week it was revealed through a forum post that the Wii U version of Slightly Mad Studios could have been in a little bit of trouble.

Studio Head Ian Bell posted that the game wasn’t performing as well on the console as expected and the company were now waiting for E3 to see if Nintendo had some new hardware coming before deciding what to do.

Speaking to Nintendo Life, Bell has made an official statement regarding the Wii U version of the game;

Project CARS/Weapons of Mass Development opened funding initially as a Free to Play PC only Racing game. This is when the bulk of the funding arrived. Funding was closed late 2013.

By vote of the members, it changed to a boxed product PC/Xbox 360/PS3 and ‘maybe Wii U’ game. It was always ‘maybe’ as we had no knowledge of the system.

It was again changed, by vote of the members, to a PC/Xbox One/PS4 next gen game with still ‘maybe Wii U’ and Steam OS. The funding, as I said above, was closed long before this.

We still haven’t given up on Wii U 100% but if we can’t make it work we will move to the next Nintendo machine.

What do you think about Bell’s comments, will you still be picking up the game if it ever does come to another Nintendo console?

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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