No more confusion, here's how to transfer your 3DS to another.
We get asked here on a daily basis about the Nintendo 3DS to Nintendo 3DS XL transfer process. However you shouldn’t worry, it’s really simple.
Nintendo is usually known for having complicated processes for simple things, even more so when they’re online but no this one is just a few steps and there’s only a couple of things you need to know to get it done.
We’ll step you through the process first and then wrap up our most commonly asked questions after that.
Things You’ll Need
If you feel the need to copy your SD card to a computer first for backup you can, but only if you’re a paranoid parrot.
Three Easy Steps
1. On each system tap into the System Settings, tap Other Settings and then go to page three and tap System Transfer. You’ll need an internet connection for this to get started.
2. Once the process has completed (which could take a while depending on what you got on your 3DS) then you’ll be prompted to insert your old SD 2GB card from your Nintendo 3DS in your 3DS XL. But wait see point three;
3. Depending on what SD card you have in your 3DS there’s two options now.
That’s it, you’re done! But we know you have some more questions.
Why do I need an internet connection?
The transfer process only needs an internet connection to start. This is used to transfer the licenses for your software. Once that part is done it’s all done locally and you don’t need the internet.
How Long Does This Take?
Depends on how much is actually stored on your Nintendo 3DS. Since it doesn’t transfer the SD card this size doesn’t matter.
Does this copy everything?
It copies everything on the Nintendo 3DS system except for;
What about my Ambassador Games?
What about my Friend Code, is it reset?
Nope, same friend code and list of friends.
What about DLC?
Yes that too.
What happens to the old system?
It’s formatted as if it was fresh out the box. Give it to your little sister or brother or trade it in!
Can I transfer back to the old system?
You could but you would need to wait 7 days to be able to do it again and you can only do transfers 5 times.
Nintendo has put together this nice chart showing you what gets transferred and what doesn’t.
Nintendo’s put together a video as well if you’d like a visual way of seeing the transfer.
Definitively done with the Wii U now.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.