It’s taken a little while to happen, but finally Shiny Zacian & Shiny Zamazenta will be made (officially) in Australia later this week. From November 19th you’ll be able to head into an EB Games and request a code.
You’ll get a Shiny Zacian & Shiny Zamazenta depending on what version of Sword or Shield you have.
If you wanted to be sneaky, and not go out to the shops. Game UK have a form which you can get a code sent to your email, they’re delivered every Monday.
But uh, you didn’t hear that from us.
Once again, it is the correct hour for Donkey Kong.
Overnight, Nintendo has changed the availability date and purchase methods for the Nintendo Sound Clock…
From Mario to Zelda, to Splatoon to Donkey Kong. Everything on Nintendo Music.