Shin Megami Tensei IV is finally coming to Australia and Europe too


It was announced all the way back in August, 2012 and further detailed in September, but finally we have some more solid details on cult favourite Shin Megami Tensei IV.

A traditional Japanese RPG featuring lines and lines of dialogue, hundreds of demons to collect and turn based battles – the Shin Megami Tensei franchise is popular in most markets. Given that it’s marketed in Japan with a sleek black box, we can only hope it’ll explore some mature themes as well.

For those in America, the game will be launching on July 16th. Nintendo of America also revealed that the first shipment of this Atlus-developed JRP will be freely upgraded to the Limited Edition – which includes a 176-page strategy guide and art book, as well as a soundtrack that pays tribute to the entire Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Finally, to top it off, the Limited Edition will also include a unique slipcover from Atlus artist Masayuki Doi.

The great news is that the game will also be making it’s way to Europe at some point this year, though a specific date was not confirmed.

While we don’t have an Australian release date (or even acknowledgement that the game will make it to Australian shores from Nintendo), it’s worth noting that a European copy will play on your 3DS with no problems – so not all is lost should the game never grace Australian shelves.

We know we have some avid Shin Megami Tensei (or even Atlus) fans on the site – are you excited that you’ll be able to play Shin Megami Tensei IV relatively close to the Americas and Japan?

What's your reaction?
Oh wow!
About The Author
James Mitchell
Avid gamer since I was as young as three years old when I received my first NES. Currently studying full time and consider myself a balanced gamer. Enjoy games on all systems, from all genres, on all platforms. Sometimes feels like he's too optimistic for this industry.

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