Shin Megami Tensei and Etrian Odyssey confirmed for Europe and Australia

But don't get too excited, it's not Shin Megami Tensei 4.....yet


Amongst all the spiky haired and top hat donned excitement of the Nintendo Direct, it’s easy to forget about some of the smaller releases that have recently been confirmed.

It may be too little to late for some but Europe are finally seeing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner – Soul Hackers make its way to the 3DS.  In addition to this, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan, another game that those in the US have been enjoying for months now, is also seeing a European and Australian release on the handheld.

For the faithful RPG fan this means that the latter part of this year is likely to have you glued to your 3DS – with Shin Megami Tensei releasing September 13th in Europe and September 19th in Australia, whereas Etrian Odyssey will be available a bit sooner for Europeans with a release of  August 30th while Australia will have to wait until September 12th.  This is of course permitting that you can overcome the rage that has been building while all your American friends tactfully unleash their spoilers upon you.

Are you excited to play these games or disappointed they’ve taken so long? Let us know in the comments!

Hope Corrigan

Gamer, geek, artist & all round swell lady. Video games first sparked a passion with me when my parents decided I wasn't allowed them, forbidden fruit always being the sweetest I've not looked back since my first experiences even though they had to be snuck in at friend's houses. I'm currently a Croupier by trade, and when I'm not doing that or playing games I'm usually drawing, or writing about games, while secretly resenting that when I turned ten no one gave me a Charmander to roam the land with.

Published by
Hope Corrigan