How would the 2D platformer work on the 3D console? Non-Australian DSi owners have been enjoying Shantae on the DSiWare service for a while now. The game, which was the highest-rated game on Metacritic for the Nintendo DS last year, has stunned a ...
Non-Australian DSi owners have been enjoying Shantae on the DSiWare service for a while now. The game, which was the highest-rated game on Metacritic for the Nintendo DS last year, has stunned a lot of people and with good reason; its a great game.
Now with the 3DS out and the eShop not too far away, everyones attention is on the console and it looks like Wayforward may have something in store for Shantae and the 3DS. Maybe.
Speaking to CVG, WayForwards Matt Bozon has said, when asked about how Shantae might work on the console, "weve talked about it at length. But if we did a Shantae on Nintendo 3DS, jumping layers might just be the tip of the iceberg. Theres so much cool stuff we could do with stereo vision! I think Ill go play Wario Land on my Virtual Boy right now."
Virtual Boy Wario Land was not just a great game, it was really the only stand-out game for the Virtual Boy with its multiple layer platforming. You could jump from the foreground to the background and vice versa and it worked well. It could work well on the 3DS, too.
Source: CVG
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.