SEGA have filed a trademark for Super Monkey Ball: Step and Roll- a name which may imply a foot-controlled, balance board control scheme for the Wii The Super Monkey Ball series has been quick to take advantage of Nintendo-developed control mechanisms...
The Super Monkey Ball series has been quick to take advantage of Nintendo-developed control mechanisms, such as ‘Super Monkey Ball Touch and Roll’ for the DS and ‘Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz’- a launch title for Wii. The latest trademark application on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website reveals no information other than the name. It is very likely that the moniker ‘Step and Roll’ suggests Wii Balance Bard control, in much the same way that ‘Touch and Roll’ made use of stylus controls on DS.
SEGA have not released a new Monkey Ball game since 2006’s made-for-Wii ‘Banana Blitz’.
Source: UPSTO
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