Sega Australia is up and running and already on the PR train with IGN interviewing SEGA Australias new PR Manager Vispi Bhopti; formally of Nintendo Australia. SEGA recently decided to open a new branch away from THQ who had been distributing products...
That presence is not limited to just making itself more known, but also in expanding SEGAs audience from typical Japanese centric titles and investing in studios like The Creative Assembly, makers of the Total War series, and The Club from Bizarre Creations.
On Sonic, Bhopti is honest about how the latest Sonic games have fared saying, Im not going to sit here and talk PR spiels and try to convince you that the last few Sonic games have been superb or have been unique in certain ways. Sure, critically they haven’t done as well, but rather than dwelling on the past, for us – because we are a fresh company in Australia, the important thing is looking at what we’re doing in the future, especially with a brand like Sonic. With Sonic Rush Adventure coming to the Nintendo DS as well as the Olympic themed Mario and Sonic, SEGA looks and says they have learned from past mistakes and will be better prepared for the future.
That and more in can be found in the full interview, as well as the proper pronunciation of SEGA – be warned you may be shocked. Best of luck to the SEGA boys!
Suikoden I&II HD Remaster, Sorry We're Closed, MainFrames, Everhood 2 and Carmen Sandiego
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well