It took them long enough to announce it, but Tequila Works’ long awaited puzzle-adventure game Rime finally has a release date on the Nintendo Switch. It’ll be launching on the 14th of November in the US, and the 17th of November in Europe and Australia.
The port was first announced before the Switch was even released, but we’ve had little news about it since, with some fearing the game would never make it to everyone’s favourite hybrid console. The Switch version of the game is in good hands, though, as Aussie developer Tantalus — best known for their work on the fantastic HD remasters of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Wind Waker — is heading up the porting process.
There’s no word on Australian pricing yet, but the game is launching at a digital eShop price point of $29.99 in the US, €34.99 in European regions, and £29.99 in the UK, with the retail edition, including the full game on cartridge and a digital download code for the soundtrack, priced at $39.99USD, €44.99, and £39.99 respectively. Assuming we don’t get hit too hard by the notorious Australia Tax™, it should be very reasonably priced here too.
We’ll bring you more updates as we get them, but in the meantime — are you excited to finally have a release date? Do you plan to get the game when it finally releases in November? Or will you be too busy playing Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, which release on the same day? Let us know in the comments below!
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