Buy what you want before the year clicks over.
Barring any last minute reprive or extension the Nintendo Network Premium for Wii U Premium buyers will end on 31st December 2014.
You’ll still have time after that to collect your free points but when the clock ticks over onto 2015 anything you buy won’t count.
So now is the time head on over to and check out if you’ve got an money owed to you by the Big N. Since launch we’ve acculimated $56.00 worth of eShop credit, not bad – you mileage may vary but since you can link your NNID to your Nintendo 3DS you could even use the credit there if you wish.
Don’t panic too much, unless you’re reading this on April 1st 2015, then you’re stuffed.
Tinkertown, On Your Tail, The Phantom, Centum, ONE BTN BOSSES, Rogue Waters