Rare to Make Games for the DS
This just in, at this stage it seems that Rare may be making games for the DS. On the Rare website they have some job Vacancies listed under Join Us, that will excite any Nintendo fan.
Must be motivated, enthusiastic and skilled in C/C++ to join our dedicated handheld team, recently nominated for a Develop Industry Excellence Award. 3D skills also an advantage in creating high-profile titles for this unique system.
Good understanding of 3D packages (preferably Maya), strong modelling and texturing abilities, imagination and motivation are all required from anyone hoping to join our Develop award-nominated team in creating key DS titles.
Source:Rareware Could this mean we may see Banjo-Kazzoie, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps, Perfect Dark or many others on our DS’s only time will tell.
Stay tuned for more Info.