Everyone loves Ramen.
We learned months ago that the next Smash Bros fighter would be from ARMS. Today, Min Min was revealed as that character. She joins the lineup as the 76th fighter in the game.
Along with Min Min, there will be a new Spring Stadium stage as well as 18 tracks from ARMS, including two new arrangements. Min Min was requested to be in Smash by the director of ARMS.
Min Min is a little bit different from other fighters, like in ARMS you’ll be able to use the A and B buttons to control each arm independently. You’ll also be able to switch out the attachments on the end of her arms. Her Final Smash is a barrage of punches from every other fighter from the game.
Min Min will be released on June 30th in Australia and is the first character in the second volume Fighter Pass.
New Mii Fighter skins were also revealed. Callie and Marie from Splatoon and Ninjara from ARMS are two new first-party additions. New third-party representatives include Heihachi from Tekken and Vault Boy from the Fallout series will also join the game on the same day as Min Min.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.