
Psyonix details upcoming Rocket League plans, including graphical modes for Switch

That and a whole lot more.


Psyonix has written a huge blog post outlining some of the changes and updates that will be coming to Rocket League in 2018.

There’s a whole bunch of things planned throughout the year including Tournaments, new events, new licenced premium DLC, cross-platform parties and even new arenas.

The Switch version is getting a big update with a switch for two graphical modes. Performance Mode will be as the game is now with the game running at 900p when docked, 720p handheld and both running at 60 frames per second. The game’s resolution may also dynamical scale in this mode, as it does now.

The new mode is Quality Mode which will make the game run at 1080p when docked, and keep the same 720p resolution in handheld – but the framerate will be dropped in half to 30 frames per second. Despite the slower framerate, more visual effects will be added. The full roadmap is available on Psyonix’s blog here.

What do you think? Will you keep the game in Performance Mode or bump up the resolution at the expense of the framerate? Let us know in the comments.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic