The latest issue of CoroCro magazine has revealed some game changing news today for the Pokemon series with a new evolution type being announced. Some Pokemon will now be able to evolve into a new Mega form.
This new evolution is called a ‘Mega Evolution’ and so far MegaBlaziken, MegaAbsol, MegaMawile, MegaMewtwo, MegaLucario and MegaAmpharos have been revealed. According to the scans there will be a gym leader who holds the key to understanding these new Pokemon. Well at least someone does. That new Mewtwo form we saw a couple of months ago is now known as MegaMewtwo.
There was also three new Pokemon revealed as well. A pre-evolution of Gogoat called Meekurur, an electric fairy called Dedenne and a rabbit looking Pokemon called Horubii. These of course are their Japanese names, they’ll likely be named soon enough.
More than half of this week's releases are utter rubbish.