We're all going to catch them all, at once.
Nintendo promised some big news and boy did they deliver. After running out of colours, Nintendo has turned to the alphabet for the next installment of the Pokemon series.
Revealed in the latest Pokemon Direct installment, Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will be the next Pokemon mainline games and they are coming to the Nintendo 3DS worldwide this October. Yes, Japan, America, Europe and even us in Australia will be receiving the latest Pokemon games at the same time. A first for the series.
There wasn’t a whole lot of solid details released, but there was footage revealed and from that we know that the overworld has an entirely new look and battles are now conducted in full 3D. No more 2D sprites, they’re using the 3D models from the Pokedex Pro. The new three starter Pokemon were also named, they are Fennekin (fire), Froakie (water) and Chespin (grass). There also a glimpse at the legendary Pokemon who will no doubt adorn the cover.
Iwata did promise that the new games would take advantage of the Nintendo 3DS’ features, but wouldn’t elaborate at this stage.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.