
Pokémon Sword & Shield’s first expansion, Isle of Armor is out June 17th

Just a couple of weeks away now.


The Pokémon Company has release a new trailer for the upcoming Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion pass. The first part of the pass, Isle of Armor now has a release date – it’ll be out June 17th.

There’s also a more formal look at the Galarian forms of the original legendary birds Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres. The new Regi forms were also shown off in gameplay their names are Regieleki and Regidrago, if you hadn’t guessed they’re electric and dragon types. The trailer revealed the first look at Galarian Slowbro, as well as Gigantamax Blastoise and Venusaur.

While Gigantamax Blastoise and Venusaur will be arriving in the Isle of Armor, the legendary birds are coming in The Crown Tundra later this year.

The expansion pass is available now to preorder and will set you back $45.00. If you pick it up now you’ll get a Pikachu or Eevee uniform outfit. For Sword players, you can preorder here, for Shield here.


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Daniel Vuckovic

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Daniel Vuckovic

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