Wild Areas, Dynamax, Max Raids, Legendaries revealed and more.
The Pokémon Sword and Shield Direct has just finished up and oh boy there’s a lot to get through. First up, the release – Pokémon Sword and Shield will arrive on November 15th, there will be a double pack should you want that too.
We know the new region is Galar, and it has some really great sounding new things within it.
Some were worried it wouldn’t have it, but the good news is there will be wild encounters like the Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee. There are at least in the new Wild Areas of the game.
These new ‘open world’ areas not only have Pokemon roaming around, but the spawns can change based on the weather. There will always be something new to find.
The new battle feature in Pokemon Sword and Shield is something called Dynamax. It can only be used once per battle, and for three turns will turn your Pokemon massive with powerful attacks. You’ll have to decide when it’s best to use it. The game has fancy looking stadiums in which these battles can take place, Dynamax-ing gets the fully animated crowd onto their feet.
Pokémon Go like raids feature in Pokémon Sword and Shield. You’ll be battling against giant Pokémon with a whole bunch of others locally or online. Unlike using Dynamax in a normal battle, these Raid Pokemon will remain massive and powerful for the entire battle. You’ll then throw a beachball-sized Pokeball at them to try and catch it.
The Legendary Pokémon on the boxes are Zacian and Zamazenta, one resembling a Sword, and you guessed it – one a Shield. Here’s what they look like;
Aside from Melmetal in Pokémon Go, it’s been a while since we’ve seen some new Pokémon, and now we’ve got a few new future friends to learn.
Revealed in the Direct were;
Male and Female Trainers
The Champion of Galar – Leon. He’s never been beaten.
Your Rival is Hop – Leon’s younger brother who is trying to be as good as him.
The new Professor is Professor Magnolia, she’s into studying Dynamax
And the Professor’s assistant is Sonia, Magnolia’s granddaughter.
Milo – A Grass type Gym Leader
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