Eighteen years ago today Nintendo released Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green on an unsuspecting Japanese public.
Pokémon Red and Green kickstarted the Pokémon craze which may not be as much in the public eye as much as it was in the late 90s, but we know it’s still super popular.
The first Pokémon games were a technical achievement for their time, they pushed the Gameboy to the absolute max in both power and capacity. The developers used ever last kilobyte of the games cartridge to fit everything in.
It’s shocking to think where the Game Boy and Nintendo would have been had Pokémon not come along or been as well received as it was.
We in Australia wouldn’t see the game until 1998 some two years later with the release of Pokemon Red and Blue and by the the crazy was in full effect.
Even now, 18 years later people are still enjoying Pokemon Red, Green and Blue. Right now there’s over 30,000 people watching and playing the game via the internet. Not even Nintendo could have predicted that.
Happy Birthday Pokémon!
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The draw has been completed.