Game Freak has responded to an interesting question at this year’s E3 which has been playing on the minds of Nintendo fans for a while now. Will Pokémon Red and Blue ever be released on the Virtual Console? Sadly – not anytime soon.
According to Game Freak, the company has always been very careful when considering the possibility of Virtual Console Pokémon games.
[quote]“We’re always very careful — we believe that Pokémon is best on a handheld…if we were to put it on virtual console, on the home console, what would you do with the Pokémon you caught? It would be kind of stuck, was one of the concerns we’ve had.”[/quote]
Whilst this response doesn’t completely make sense given the fact Game Freak could just release the games on the 3DS Virtual Console, it does confirm the company is hesitant about digitalising their classic Pokémon games, and not particularly fussed releasing them on Nintendo’s home console – the Wii U.
So what do you make of Game Freak’s response to the question? Did they make it up on the spot, or has it been misunderstood? Why would they use the Wii U as an excuse when the 3DS has a perfectly good Virtual Console for Game Boy titles? Leave your thoughts below.
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