
Pokémon GO’s Snapshot feature is now available on Android

Pokémon Snap 2.0


Last week, Pokémon GO developers Niantic announced that they’d be introducing an all new photo mode called GO Snapshot. Today, that feature has gone live — for some players.

GO Snapshot is now available for all Pokémon GO players using Android devices, as long as they’re level 5 or above. It was initially introduced only to players on level 40, but as usual with these kinds of roll outs, it was quickly lowered to its final requirement.

GO Snapshot allows you to use the AR or AR+ feature of Pokémon GO to snap pictures with already-caught Pokémon, as opposed to only when you’re catching them. We’ve quickly tested it out, and it works pretty well, though it seems a little prone to crashing, and it’s a significantly less-involved experience if you’re not using AR+. To use it, simply select the Camera item from your items bag, pick a Pokémon, and follow the prompts.

Although it’s not yet available on iOS devices, we speculate it’ll come pretty soon after the update enabling it is available on that platform. In any case, we’ll keep you updated when it happens.

Oliver Brandt

Deputy Editor, sometimes-reviewer, and Oxford comma advocate. If something's published on Vooks, there's a good chance I looked over it first. I spend way too much on games and use way too many em dashes.

Published by
Oliver Brandt