
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl get remakes from a new developer, out this year

Welcome Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.


The collective powers of Pokémon fandom have dreamed it into existence — Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are getting the remake treatment as Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.

The game features a new 3D graphical style and the same battle engine as Pokémon Sword and Shield. More importantly this is the first mainline game not to be made entirely by Game Freak. The developers behind the new remakes are ILCA, a support studio which has helped with development on games like Dragon Quest XI (and its S counterpart), Code Vein, and NieR: Automata. They also worked on Pokémon HOME.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl will be released on Switch in Late 2021. No date has been set beyond that. You can watch the adorable trailer and check out a bunch of artwork and screenshots below.

This article is being updated as new information becomes available. Please understand.

Oliver Brandt

Deputy Editor, sometimes-reviewer, and Oxford comma advocate. If something's published on Vooks, there's a good chance I looked over it first. I spend way too much on games and use way too many em dashes.

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Oliver Brandt

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