Did you win a copy of Pokemon Black 2 or White 2 with Pokemon Dream Radar?
A week or so ago we held two different competitions, one for Pokemon Black 2 and one for Pokemon White 2. We asked you to show us your Pokemon ‘madness’ for a copy of Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon Dream Radar and for Pokemon White 2, we asked you to share your ‘epic’ Pokemon moment.
Every time we hold a competition on Vooks, I get more and more amazed by the entries people submit and our latest Pokemon competition has again 1-Up’d previous entries. It was really hard to pick a winner (don’t all competitions say that though?) but in all honesty, it was and we’ve never had so many entries!
So enough babbling who won then?
And the Winners are…
Shaun J for his not only collection of games, cards and toys but also his homemade toys and Squirtle house. That’s some dedication.
This was a tough one but Reuben Steginga and his recount of his story to beat Red in in HeartGold only to throw it all away when he met his first shiny Pokemon. Maybe one day we’ll be so lucky.
[quote]My most epic Pokémon moment is quite dull, It involves the first (and only) time I encountered a shiny.
In my HeartGold game I was doing some general grinding in front of Mt Silver, trying to get to a high enough level to beat Red. For me Red was really difficult to beat so I had already invested 250 hours into this game trying to get my team to a high enough level so that I didn’t have to bother with strategy to beat him.
(My strategy in Pokémon Blue, the only Pokémon game I played before, was to get my Charizard to level 100 and not bother training any other Pokémon. It worked up until I got to Lance of the elite four, I still have unresolved issues with him.)
I was grinding mindlessly through some Ponyta when it appeared, a shiny Doduo. Normally I consider Doduo to be one of the more ridiculous Pokémon but I didn’t care, this Doduo was extra magical. I freaked out about not catching it so to make sure I had evidence of my first shiny encounter I took a picture with my phone.
I haven’t played that game since then.
Screw defeating Red, I have a shiny Doduo.
Rueben also included this picture in his entry which is very epic.
We’ll contact the winners soon (you might already have an email/Facebook message waiting for you!).
Thanks to everyone for entering and thanks to Nintendo Australia for this awesome prize.
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 are out today, Pokemon Dream Radar will be out later today as well (Friday morning in the East).
To be called Rockstar Australia.
Just in Japan and Korea so far.