Hear the new English voice actors for the first time.
In last night’s Nintendo Direct, some brand new (for the English release, at least) footage of Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies was shown. In this footage, we got a taste of the game’s anime cutscenes and the voice acting in them. The cutscenes definitely feel really anime-ish, and I’m not sure how I feel about the voice acting yet, but I’m sure it’ll grow on me.
The cutscenes look gorgeous, too. In addition to the new footage, a demo for the game was announced for Western territories, it’s available on the eShop now.
This is the first publicly available demo for an Ace Attorney game in the West, so Nintendo and Capcom are obviously making sure the game gets enough promotion despite being a digital download exclusive.
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies will launch October 24th, exclusive to the 3DS eShop. It will be $39.95AU on release.
More than half of this week's releases are utter rubbish.