Paper Mario 3DS out in Japan for 2010?

Japanese paper says Paper Mario out this year, along with the 3DS. We dont even know if the Nintendo 3DS will be out this year in Japan (though at this stage it seems likely). Japanese paper The Asahi Shimbun says along with the 3DS, Japan will be g...


Japanese paper says Paper Mario out this year, along with the 3DS.

We dont even know if the Nintendo 3DS will be out this year in Japan (though at this stage it seems likely). Japanese paper The Asahi Shimbun says along with the 3DS, Japan will be getting Paper Mario as well "within the year".

Paper Mario 3DS was shown off at E3 this year in just screenshots with the trademark paper look in tow. There wasnt any footage or playable demo, whether or not this indicates how far along the game is another matter.

This 3DS rumour pile is going to get larger and larger before Nintendos tell all event on September 29th.

Source: Ruliweb

Daniel Vuckovic

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