Not long after we’ve laid rest to Super Mario 35, another game is getting the ‘battle royale’ treatment. This time it’s Pac-Man.
Pac-Man 99, as the name suggests, will see 99 people play Pac-Man against each other. By eliminating ghosts, you’ll send “Jammer Pac-Man” to other players, which slows them down. But they can also do the same to you. There are also new sleeper ghosts that you can send to other players, targeting options and different ways to win.
Pac-Man 99 will be available free for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers, but doesn’t seem to live just yet in Australia. When it is live it’ll be available to download here.
While the main game is free with your subscription, a Deluxe Pack contains a CPU battle mode, score attack mode, blind attack mode, more Pac-Man music, and 20 custom themes. No pricing is available yet, but it should be around $3AUD for each theme pack separately or $40 for everything.
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