Opinion: The Australian Nintendo release date dilemma

Now that the dust has cleared, lets find out when everyone is getting everything. Hint: In Australia we know nothing It’s very disappointing that we have to write this article; it’s not disappointing if you’re in Europe or America, ...


Now that the dust has cleared, lets find out when everyone is getting everything. Hint: In Australia we know nothing

It’s very disappointing that we have to write this article; it’s not disappointing if you’re in Europe or America, but if you live here in Australia you’ll certainly be unhappy after reading this. After all three conferences Nintendo ran this week we’ve be inundated with release dates for the entirety of the first half of the year. That is, of course, unless you live here where we know nothing – let’s take a look at the following chart.

TBA = Announced but no date | N/A Not mentioned at all as of yet.

It’s plainly obvious that Nintendo Japan or America stood on the back of Nintendo Australia and told them they couldn’t show anything off like Galaxy 2 or Metroid: Other M before the US. But what we want to know now is after this has now all be revealed in the US and Europe, where are our release dates?When Nintendo spoke at the conference, we were told of a reaching back out to the core gamer; their awesome efforts with the Monster Hunter bundle and the upcoming launch event for fans are proof of that. But how can we get excited for something when we don’t know when we’re getting it? We know it won’t be too long after Europe – Nintendo’s been great as of late – but anything more than nothing would be nice to know.

We want to support Nintendo here!

Update 1: Dragons Quest IX has been dated for winter here by Nintendo.
Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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