Open Your Wallet: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Need for Speed Most Wanted out this week

Yes, there are Wii U games being released this week in Australia. It's been a while!


Yes, believe it or not there are Wii U games being released this week in Australia. It’s been a while!

There hasn’t been a retail Wii U game released in Australia since January 19th, yes two months ago. To further make that drought feel worse there hasn’t been a single Nintendo 3DS game of note aside from last weeks title, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate.

However, Marge – the rains are here.

From this week, the games are coming on both the Wii U and the 3DS. So lets look forward to this week and see what we’re getting.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – Wii U and 3DS

Alright so its not a new, new game but however the amount of people who actually played Monster Hunter Tri/3 on the Wii in Australia isn’t going to be that high.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is essentially the same game on both consoles and you can even transfer your save between the two to continue the hunt on the go. You can read our review of the Wii version here, we hope to have an updated review for you shortly.


Need for Speed Most Wanted – Wii U

Alright alright, so yes not exactly another new game either but with the amount of work Criterion have put into this put we should be grateful. The game is a solid port with the best looking graphics of any of the console versions, it uses the PC assets! There’s also a fancy new co-driver mode for use on the GamePad or you can use the GamePad to play the game Off TV play. However, the game is ‘full price’ which is going to turn a lot of people off.

Hardware Bundles – Monster Hunter 3DS and Wii U

With some actual games to play, it might be time to jump into the Wii U and/or the 3DS. There are two bundles, The Wii U Limited Edition Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Premium Pack will come with a Black 32GB Wii U Console, a black Wii U Pro Controller and a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate of course. The 3DS XL Bundle is a new all black colour and also includes a copy of the game preinstalled.


So then, what are you picking up or are you waiting until next week where there’s even more fun?

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic

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