On This Day in Nintendo History on Vooks

Because Vooks has been around for more than 20 years, there’s a bit of news in our archives – so why not share it with everyone?

Below are the posts from the current day, but one, two, five, ten and more years ago. There’s not going to be something every day – in fact, some days, everything could be blank. Also, many of our older posts may be missing graphics and images and look broken entirely. A lot of them were written when we were very young.

Here’s what’s in the archive today.

One Year Ago

Two Years Ago

Nothing in the archive on this day.

Three Years Ago

Five Years Ago

EA are again thinking about Switch support - Hope is kept alive... barely

Seven Years Ago

10 Years Ago

Nothing in the archive on this day.

15 Years Ago

Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars (Wii) Review - Well, what a wonderful, awkward and embarrassing situation I’m in here. Many who read my review for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom:…
Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles – The Crystal Bearers (Wii) Review - I hate disappointment. In fact, there’s nothing worse than waiting for a game in excess of two years and then…
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Wi-Fi Night: Friday 5th February - Vookian against fellow Vookian in a battle to make your fighter the best Tatsunoko vs. Capcom has sneaked up on…
Wii, DS surpass lifetime NES, Game Boy sales - They are now Nintendos highest-selling consoles, and this really puts it into perspective In a recent Financial Results Briefing, Nintendo…

20 Years Ago

Nothing in the archive on this day.

Note: Due to how the queries for this page work, it shows a 24 hour window, X days ago – so you might have things sneak in from the day before.