When Nintendo is not making games, defeating piracy and creating smiles, they are fighting infringement lawsuits. Nintendo filed a lawsuit earlier this year in June against Nyko, the fumbling accessory queen of the gaming world. Nintendo claimed that Nykos Kama Nunchuk, a wireless version of Nintendos own Nunchuck, “”wholly appropriates the novel shape, design, overall appearance and even the colour and materials used in the Nintendo Nunchuk controller.”” More inside The matter was recently settled out of court and Nyko is forced to change the design of the control but the wireless function is permitted. “”We are pleased to have resolved this dispute,”” says Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime. “”The Nunchuk and Wii brands are familiar to consumers worldwide, and Nintendo is dedicated to vigorous defence of those brands.””
Source: Gamasutra