
Now you can dress in your favourite Alolan fashions in real life

If you're in Japan of course.


Like some of the shirts your character can wear in Pokemon Sun and Moon? Well you could be wearing them in real life as well – if you can get to a Pokemon Center.

The Japanese Pokemon Center will start selling four Alola fashioned shirts on December 17th in Japan. There’s one with a surfing Pikachu, Luvdisc and Alolan Marowak style design. There’s also an amazing Alolan Exeggutor one as well – which needed a seperate mention.

The Pikachu and Luvdisc one will be sold together, and the Exeggcutor and Marowak one likewise. There’s also a range of pins coming out the same day.

It sure has been the week for merchandise.

Source: Pokeshopper

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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