Nintendogs Sells 250,000 copies in One Week

According to an article written by gaming site Kotaku, Nintendogs has sold over 250,000 thousand copies of the newly released Nintendogs, Nintendo America now back this up with the following press release.. REDMOND, Wash., Sept. 1, 2005 With sales ...


According to an article written by gaming site Kotaku, Nintendogs has sold over 250,000 thousand copies of the newly released Nintendogs, Nintendo America now back this up with the following press release..

REDMOND, Wash., Sept. 1, 2005 With sales of a quarter of a million units in its first week of availability, Nintendogs is not only America’s hottest-selling video game, but the best-selling new game franchise ever for a portable system.

Retailers already are reporting that Nintendogs, made exclusively for the hand-held Nintendo DS, has sold out in numerous locations across the country, and Nintendo will deliver more shipments as soon as possible. The three versions of Nintendogs and the DS unit itself consistently rank at the top of’s best-selling list of all video game products.

“”Nearly 15 percent of all DS owners bought Nintendogs in just a week, a virtually unprecedented adoption rate for any title on an established system,”” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of sales & marketing. “”And it’s also helping sell new DS hardware. Coupled with a price drop to $129.99, retailers are reporting DS sales up between one and a half and three times previous levels, and last week DS comfortably outsold our portable competitors.””

Nintendogs lets owners train and care for lifelike puppies using the DS system’s touch screen and microphone. It became a cultural phenomenon in Japan and launched in the United States on Aug. 22.

Nintendo will be releasing more stocks of the Game Next week to make sure demands are filled, this game has so far replicated the success of Nintendogs in Japan, hopefully it can do the same here. Nintendog’s Launches in Australia on September 22nd for $50 in three different Versions.

Source: Kotaku, Nintendo Press Release

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic