Resident Evil semi-debut on the 3DS is a sight to behold Capcom certainly have to be commended on two things. First off a brand new Resident Evil title to a new system straight off the bat is a tremendous show of confidence in the Nintendo 3DS. The se...
Capcom certainly have to be commended on two things. First off a brand new Resident Evil title to a new system straight off the bat is a tremendous show of confidence in the Nintendo 3DS. The second is that Resident Evil Revelations is the best looking game weve seen on the system thus far and the MT Framework Mobile engine really shines in 3D.
Capcom certainly have to be commended on two things. First of all, a brand new Resident Evil title to a new system straight off the bat is a tremendous show of confidence for the Nintendo 3DS. The second is that Resident Evil: Revelations (Biohazard: Revelations in Japan) is one of the best looking games we’ve seen on the system thus far, and that the MT Framework Mobile engine really shines in 3D.
The demo of Revelations was only about eight minutes long. We stepped into the shoes of Jill on a ship that will feature prominently in the final game. The purpose of the demo was, really, to take in a few sights, see how the game controls and get an idea of how the 3D would be used to scare you. The game uses 3d effects to great detail in Revelations, with deep hallways making you wonder what is around the next corner. The game’s lighting engine is also very impressive with great looking shadows being case from multiple dynamic light sources. The game is a tad jaggy in places when in the 3D mode, and turning off 3D seems to add a layer of anti-aliasing – a compromise you’ll just have to work out when you play.
The game controls in typical Resident Evil fashion, you’re either going to love it or hate it. The game employs a similar control scheme to Resident Evil 4, although a few modifications have been made. You still need to aim in order to attack, however players can strafe now without or with a gun equipped. You’re able to fire as you move, however while moving, you will lose the ability to aim your weapon. Oh, and it’s kind of first person when you aim too, which works much better in tandem with the 3D effects.
The demo we played also featured the same “searching in the boxes” mechanic the series is known for, but there were no other items to pick up.
We’ve only just scratched the surface with Resident Evil: Revelations and we hope to go hands-on again with it soon, but it’s not due out for some time so we hope things can only get better from here on.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.