Nintendo TVii launches in the US on December 20th, missing some features

Nintendo of America has announced, after a month delay the the Wii U will be gaining the Nintendo TVii service tomorrow in the US. That’s the 20th for our US readers who are in the past.
However not all of the features promised at E3 will be making the launch, Netflix and TiVo won’t be there, nor will the ability to access content stored on DVR’s. These will be coming in 2013.
So what will be coming? Nintendo TVii will still come with a interactive guide for free to air TV, Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant Video. The ability to look up information about shows online through IMDB and Wikipedia are there, as is the ability comment on Twitter and Facebook about shows currently on.
Reggie Fils-Aime says that “After Dec. 20, you’ll never look at your TV the same way again. Wii U owners have already experienced the transformative effect that the GamePad has on game play and social interaction. Nintendo TVii shows how the integrated second screen of the GamePad can also transform and enhance the TV viewing experience. Welcome to the new world of TVii.”
A release for Nintendo TVii outside of America and Japan is still forthcoming.