Nintendo trademarks Super Mario Collection

Nintendo has registered the trademark of Super Mario Collection among others, what could it be? A mixed batch of trademarks for this update, but one sticks out and that’s titled “Super Mario Collection”. Could this mean that Super M...


Nintendo has registered the trademark of Super Mario Collection among others, what could it be?

A mixed batch of trademarks for this update, but one sticks out and that’s titled “Super Mario Collection”. Could this mean that Super Mario All-Star is coming out on the Virtual Console finally or perhaps some new and exciting such as the older games remade in a New Super Mario Bros style? We haven’t the fainted idea but we want to hear your thoughts, let us know below.

Here’s the list for everthing else.

任天堂 Nintendo
商願2009-044806 §いろづきチンクルの\恋の\バルーントリップ (Tingles Love Balloon Trip)
商願2009-045427 スーパーマリオコレクション (Super Mario Collection)
商願2009-046300 できすぎチンクルパック (xxxx Tingle Pack)
商願2009-046376 すすめ!炎の冒険団 \
商願2009-046377 いくぞ!嵐の冒険団   subtitles of Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon Wiiware
商願2009-046378 めざせ!光の冒険団 /

商願2009-043939 Adventure’s-jet
商願2009-044668 NAMCO CLASSIC GAMES\ナムコクラシックゲームス
商願2009-045224 ネクストプラス\NEXT PLUS

セガ Sega
商願2009-045230 bijomen
商願2009-045581 §SEGA
商願2009-047472 すすめ!∞§スゴロケッツ∞SUGOROCKETS

コナミ Konami
商願2009-043662 ジェネクスの進撃 (Attack of Genex)
商願2009-044211 アルトアイネス\ALTINES

商願2009-046120 100円ゴミ箱 (100 Yen Gomi Bako)


商願2009-045073 クロストレジャーズ\CROSS TREASURES

商願2009-042081 LAST RANKER\ラストランカー

商願2009-047521 QUANTUM THEORY

商願2009-045971 STRANGE JOURNEY\ストレンジジャーニー

商願2009-045070 QIX++ (Qix ++)
商願2009-046207 §T:Style
商願2009-046231 モールスメール (Malls Mail?)


Chun soft
商願2009-044764 ノナリーゲーム\NONARY GAME

Source: NeoGAF via GoNintendo

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic