Business Week rates Nintendo as the best company in the world - even above Google and Apple A consulting firm on behalf of BusinessWeek put Nintendo at the top of the pile for the best companies our fair planet as to offer. The criteria for selection...
A consulting firm on behalf of BusinessWeek put Nintendo at the top of the pile for the best companies our fair planet as to offer. The criteria for selection is "A commitment to innovation, diversified portfolios, aggressive expansion, strong leadership, and a clear vision for the future".
What that means is that Nintendo’s sales have risen 36% annually over the last five years and it’s maintained a growth rate of 38% despite the global economic crisis. BusinessWeek also cited Nintendo’s continuing innovation.
Over 2,500 different companies were listed, including big guns Google, Apple, BHP, and Amazon, among others. In case you were wondering, neither Sony nor Microsoft made the list. Quick – take notes for the next time you get into a fanboy stouch!
Definitively done with the Wii U now.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.