Nintendo will help fund and produce eight one-hour long episodes of Britains Best Brain for broadcast on channel 5 in the UK The new TV show will challenge contestants to test their proficiency with mental tasks such as numeracy, memory recall, hand-e...
The new TV show will challenge contestants to test their proficiency with mental tasks such as numeracy, memory recall, hand-eye co-ordination, object recognition and assessing risk. The show will be an opportunity for Nintendo to promote DS software such as ‘Brain Training.
A partnership between channel 5 and Nintendo will take advantage of ‘Advertiser-Funded Programming’ regulations, but may face legal restrictions regarding any in-show exhibition of Nintendo hardware and software. However, Nintendo will still enjoy exclusive sponsorship credits associated with the show.
Speaking to British game industry site MCV, a spokesperson for Mediaedge:cia stated that “This television concept is a fantastic opportunity for Nintendo to bring their games heritage to life. I had been on the lookout for Nintendo for some months and already had preliminary negotiations with Five when the idea of Britain’s Best Brain came along.”
The new TV show will undoubtedly allow Nintendo to sell DS handhelds and Brain Training games to the 7 remaining Brits who’ve yet to pick up a copy- with rare sightings of non-DS owners spotted around Leicester, Piddlehinton, and the county of Ramsbottom.
Source: MCV
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