Nintendo are sticking to their E3 space, everyone else, not so much.
Today marks the one month countdown until E3 madness begins, because on June 10, Electronic Arts will kick off their EA Play 2017 event. As such over the next few weeks people from all around the world will start to arrive in Los Angeles for the yearly trade show, from exhibitors to creators, media and even fans this year, and yes I will be there. The E3 show floor plans have been released, at least to the exhibitors and there is a big change in the West Hall, where Nintendo has their booth.
Before we jump into the booth plans, Nintendo have confirmed that they, once again, will not have a live stage presentation, like the others will do, but will once again have a pre-recorded broadcast, the content for that broadcast is not know at this time. Speaking of times, they usually begin at 9am Los Angeles time, or 2am Sydney time, 12am Perth time and 4am Auckland time, so if you plan to watch live, you have an idea of what to expect. In addition, they have not confirmed any Treehouse Live for this years show, but once again, I would place money on that being a thing, because it has worked out so well for them in past shows.
Nintendo have not announced any of the games that they plan to have at the actual show, but given some of their planned releases for the year, one might expect Super Mario Odyssey to take centre stage. The actual space that Nintendo are using remains the same, so there is no change there, but it is the surrounding booths where things get interesting. For the past few years, right in front of Nintendo was Atlus, this year however Gamespot has taken that space. Hardware and Accessory maker Nyko is still close by, perhaps the most interesting part is that Nvidia have a massive booth right alongside Nintendo.
For those that are into the entire show, the biggest changes are that Microsoft is out of the West Hall, which for as long as I can recall was the home of the three console makers and they will now be in the South Hall, but perhaps most interestingly, there are only a few extra software makers in the space, a lot of the other booths are going to be for hardware or industry, like IGN.
In order to help you understand, the South Hall map can be seen below as well, here you can see big third parties like Bethesda, who are bringing Skyrim to Switch, Bandai Namco who are working on a few titles. Ubisoft are a staple of the E3 South Hall, they have three titles coming, but perhaps most interestingly Activision is back this year, apart from Skylanders, there is nothing new known for Switch, but they usually have a surprise or two.
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