Nintendo remains in the black, Wii U passes 10 million units sold

Splatoon is doing alright too.


The first quarter of Nintendo’s financial year has flown by and the results are here. These results are for the first three months in the 2015 / 2016 year. The company hasn’t released much this quarter but still has managed to keep things in the black and hasn’t adjusted its goals this time around.

Between April 1st 2015 and the 30th June of 2015 Nintendo had a net income profit of 8,284 million yen (~$90m AUD). Operating profit wasn’t as impressive just 1,149 million yen (~$12m AUD) however sales are still up on the same period last year.

It was amiibo however that set things alight with 90.2 billion worth of the little buggers being sold. 72.1% of those were sold overseas as well (as in outside Japan). Splatoon has also done will selling through 1.62 million units up until the end of June, it was a third of all the 4.55 million Wii U games sold during this time.

Wii U hardware moved slower during this period but still enough to tip the total amount of Wii U units sold over the 10 million mark. 10.01 million to be precise. Nintendo 3DS slowed again on last year, but still sits as a more heathy 53.07 million sold lifetime to date.

Nintendo did not revise its sales target, it believes it will sell 7.6m more 3DS units for the rest of financial year as well as 3.4 million Wii U consoles. A hard target for the Wii U to catch no doubt.

On the game front The Legend of Zelda title for the Wii U remains on a TBD release date. Project Guard has moved to TBD as well but Project Giant Robot remains on a 2015 window.

While the Nintendo DS is no longer reported the Wii is, that’s still managed to shift 40,000 units and Nintendo thinks will still sell 100,000 before this reporting period is over. Go you good thing.

A quiet first quarter nothing too surprising or disastrous, 3.4 million Wii U units though? Unlikely.


Source: Nintendo

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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