Feel envious of Japans Wii favouritism no more; Westerners can finally check their fortunes from the comfort of their own Wii It can be easy for those outside of Japan to feel that Nintendo gives a little more attention to the Japanese Wii downloadabl...
It can be easy for those outside of Japan to feel that Nintendo gives a little more attention to the Japanese Wii downloadable service. They currently have a touch more than 200 Virtual Console games, over 50 extra WiiWare games, and four additional channels compared to us. We’re now being given a great ’gift’, though, as Nintendo announced that we will be receiving a new channel today. Unfortunately, it’s for fortunes. Yes, Japan has had this channel, named the Today & Tomorrow Channel, since December last year, but ’luckily’ we’ll now be getting it.
Up to six people can use it at a time by registering their Mii, along with a birth date for use with the predictions. They will then receive daily fortunes in five categories (love, work, study, communications, and money). Every evening the next day’s fortune is given for you to check with before doing anything special the next day. You’ll also be given general lifestyle tips like activities and food you should eat based on your horoscope readings. Users can even look at their compatibility with other Miis on that day, which would be very ’handy’ for those planning get-togethers or for checking if you’ll get along with your relatives on a visit.
We can’t help feeling a bit let down that out of everything Japan has exclusively for the Wii, Nintendo picks the fortune channel of all things to bring over to us. Will you be downloading it? Let us know in the comments section below or on the forum.
Update: Channel is live now!
Source: ONM
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