You'll keep them as long as you keep subscribing.
Nintendo earlier today announced its online plans including the ‘Classic Game Collection’. Nintendo said this would be a “compilation of classic titles with added online play, such as Super Mario Bros. 3, Balloon Fight and Dr. Mario”. At the time they didn’t elaborate further as to how many games a month you’d get or whether or not you’d get to keep them. Now they have.
In January, Nintendo had announced that with the paid online service you’d get access to one NES or SNES games a month, this has now changed completely. In a statement to Kotaku US, Nintendo has told them that;
Nintendo Switch Online subscribers will have ongoing access to a library of classic games with added online play. Users can play as many of the games as they want, as often as they like, as long as they have an active subscription.
In another statement to IGN, Nintendo has also said that;
At launch, the classic game library will include NES games. Super NES games continue to be under consideration, but we have nothing further to announce at this time.
So it seems from the launch of the online service there will be NES games (with online play) added to the Collection, with SNES games possibly to be added later to the pool of games.
We’re hoping this still doesn’t proclude Nintendo from releasing other systems (like the N64 or GBA for example) outside of this service for purchase.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.