Nintendo News Weekly Wrap – June 3rd – #006


This weeks wrap goes over all the big Sonic Lost World news, the new announcement of a White Wii U in Premium flavour, new Wii Remote Quick Charge batteries and even a new battery for the Wii U Game.

Nintendo Australia has also gone social with a new Animal Crossing New Leaf Facebook page and The Legend of Zelda returns once again to the 3DS eShop.

What's your reaction?
Oh wow!
About The Author
Hope Corrigan
Gamer, geek, artist & all round swell lady. Video games first sparked a passion with me when my parents decided I wasn't allowed them, forbidden fruit always being the sweetest I've not looked back since my first experiences even though they had to be snuck in at friend's houses. I'm currently a Croupier by trade, and when I'm not doing that or playing games I'm usually drawing, or writing about games, while secretly resenting that when I turned ten no one gave me a Charmander to roam the land with.
  • Dave
    June 3, 2013 at 11:46 pm

    Can I just take a moment to say that in general I really love these videos – the presenter is confident and gives her own personal spin to the news, which I like quite a bit. The news itself is great and covered just as well as on the website as it is in the videos and the transitions between everything are done really well! Some great production.

    If it’s not too out of line though – might it be possible in future episodes to maybe do the captions a little bit better? For example – “weekly wrap” should really be capitalised. That’s my only real suggestion as everything else is really great!

    can’t wait to see your E3 wrap up, are you guys planning on doing one?

    • June 6, 2013 at 9:31 pm

      Hey man, thanks for the feedback!!

      Is it just the weekly wrap that comes in at the beginning that bothers you or is it the captions that come underneath things during the vid? – like the topic headers?

      I edit the videos myself and it takes me a stupidly long time and I’m a bit of a noob at video editing so any feedback is much appreciated. I may not be able to implement every change asked for though 🙂

      ~ muse

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