Nintendo News Weekly Wrap – 26th May – #005

A slice of the weeks news, our E3 plans and your Miiverse artwork.


In a week where the Xbox One dominated then desecrated the news there was very little time for Nintendo.

Never the less there is still some news out there and as usual we’re here to bring to you in one handy little video. We’re also sharing with you our E3 plans including attending the Wii U Software Showcase and Pokemon X and Y Q&A session.

We’re also got some of the best Miiverse art as sent in by you.

Hope Corrigan

Gamer, geek, artist & all round swell lady. Video games first sparked a passion with me when my parents decided I wasn't allowed them, forbidden fruit always being the sweetest I've not looked back since my first experiences even though they had to be snuck in at friend's houses. I'm currently a Croupier by trade, and when I'm not doing that or playing games I'm usually drawing, or writing about games, while secretly resenting that when I turned ten no one gave me a Charmander to roam the land with.

Published by
Hope Corrigan

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