Nintendo licenses USB drive middleware, to be used on Wii

While the 512MB of flash memory included in the Wii is fine for save files and Virtual Console games, for many its starting to fill up and if we ever want a Wii Demo Channel, were going to need more space. While the Wii has an SD card slot with a capa...


While the 512MB of flash memory included in the Wii is fine for save files and Virtual Console games, for many its starting to fill up and if we ever want a Wii Demo Channel, were going to need more space. While the Wii has an SD card slot with a capacity up to 2gig the Wii also has USB ports perfect for a USB Pen Drive or HDD. Right? Well its been impossible to utilize one but that could all be about to change.

More Inside A company named eSOL Ltd has issued a press release state that its middleware technology PrFile2 file system and PrUSB/Host USB host stack has been selected by Nintendo to utilize its technology on the Wii. Basically what this means that the technology from eSOL can be put onto Wiis via a software update and it can not only improve the read and write speeds from the SD Card but also allow the reading and writing of data from a USB host, in laymans terms anything with memory could be theoretically read from the USB ports.

While its not an announcement of actual hardware or a USB drive, it does mean Nintendo has the license to use it in the future, meaning interesting times ahead.

Source: Cubed3

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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