Nintendo file a pile of new DSi related trademarks
Nintendo have trademarked a lot of new things regarding the DSi. No, really. A lot. We all know that a trademark doesn’t really mean anything. (Look at “”Guitar Villain,”” for example.) But it’s still a glimpse of what may come. Trademarks filed on September 30, 2008 include DSiChannel, DSiStation, DSiNews, DSiMovie, DSiMusic. Trademarks filed on October 1, 2008 include , DSiMail, DSiMode, DSiVision. More inside DSiTsuushin (DSiCommunication), DSArcade, DSBook, DSCreator, DSClub, DSCommunity, DSCooking, DSDiary, DSeye, DSFamily, DSFriend, DSLife, DSLive, DSLibrary, DSmobile, DSMap, DSNavi, DSNet, DSPhone, DSPlus, DSPoint, DSSchool, DSSpeak, DSShop, DSShopping, DSTrainer, DSTime, DSWalk, DSZone, MyDS, CatchDS, ShotDS.
Did we mention there was a lot? Nintendo are really covering their bases with this.
Source: Kotaku