Well there hasn’t really been much to spend it on…
My Nintendo is almost 6 months old and that means some of the Gold Points you got would normally be starting to expire. Luckily thought Nintendo has announced that Gold Points will only now expire about 12 months. The other Platinum and Miitomo points however will still expire after 6 months but seeing as they’re ‘worth less’ it’s not too bad.
Effective immediately, the validity of Gold Points has been extended to a period of 12 months. This change applies to all Gold Points already earned as well as those earned from now on.
The expiry date for Gold Points is now set to the end of the month, 12 months after they’re collected.
- Gold Points collected on 15/06/2016 expire after 30/06/2017.
- Gold Points collected on 31/10/2016 expire after 31/10/2017.
Platinum Points are not affected by this change. Their validity period remains at six months.
You have a month to use what Platinum Points you’ve got, but don’t worry about the Gold. Now, Nintendo – give us some more things to redeem mmkay?
Tinkertown, On Your Tail, The Phantom, Centum, ONE BTN BOSSES, Rogue Waters